I used MMTool 2.22.1 beta to replace the Via sata raid module version 4. Sorry for not answering sooner but have had my machine down for a few days while I have been working on 'Bingo Bunny 3' (Gloria's new Sempron Machine). I didnt know cbrom is only for Award bios.
The Bios Patcher is supposed to be capable of enabling the recognition of P3 processors and since it is also supposed to enable features that the mobo manugfacturer 'overlooked ' it would be a very pleasent bonus if it came up with a 1/4 PCI bus divider though I don't know if that is possible but it is worth the risk to find out.
What I am getting is ' <90Mhz P2 ' I realize as long as the thing works properly that is not a major issue but it is the kind of thing that BUGS me. The link you requested is the one provided by both KachiWachi and Peter: (by apple_rom - ) With your knowledge perhaps you could do an article for the 'Bios Patcher' similar to my 'WPCredit Operating Instructions KachiWachi What I want to do is attain propper recognition of the processor.
I would have to undertake considerable education before I began to understand what he is going on about. Kalabok : Thanks for that link but I am sorry to say the information therein, is way, way, over my head.